Story Highlight

10 Mindsets

For the Successful
CReative You

Sometimes it’s the little things that may spark your creativity and imagination.
Michael Wee

Chief Executive Officer

Story Highlight

10 Mindsets

For the Successful
CReative You

Sometimes it’s the little things that may spark your creativity and imagination.
Michael Wee

Chief Executive Officer

He Says She Says

Sean Siah

What is Branding?

You’ve probably know that it’s important to focus on your strengths and play to your strengths. The same goes for your brand. When it comes to USPs (unique selling points), you want to make sure you’re playing up what makes your brand unique—and most importantly, focus on a SINGLE penetration point that makes your brand exceptional.

Claire Tean

Canva vs Adobe Creative Cloud

As designers, one of our greatest privileges is the opportunity to explore numerous creative software and applications consisting of diverse functions to further enhance the message and stories we tell through our designs.

Cindy Chong

Brand Assessment – Reveal “INSIDE OUT” The Secret to Quantify Brand Value

Brand Assessment provides an opportunity to evaluate the strength of your brand, to underscore the value of your brand with customers, and to reposition the brand to the right path. Take a step back to get a more holistic view of your brand performance and gain more insights that contributes to the improvement of strategies that can quantify the brand value.

Elio Tang

CMS or Hardcoding, Which Fits You Better?

When it comes to creating and managing a website, there are two main options: CMS or
hard-coding. Here is a comparison of the two options to help you make the right decision
for your website.

Jingle Chia

Be A Hybrid Writer

The Internet and popularity of social media gives different definition to writers. Lines between the roles of copywriters and content creators are blurring because now they share the same end result, which is to create valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract target audience with a strategic marketing approach.

Nazrin Abu Bakar

6 Annoying Things About My Colleagues

We all have a love/hate relationship with our Co worker. They can drive you nuts with the things that they do, but you wouldn’t trade them for the world. 

SheeMun Teo

Cultural differences between China and Malaysia

I was fortunate enough to study in China, but I’ve accidentally contracted Covid. It took two years to complete my studies, but three months in, I couldn’t go back after spring break. Although I only stayed in China for a short time, for just three months, I could still feel the cultural difference between Malaysia and China.

Claire Tean

Courage to Pursue What You Interested In

I’ve always believed that experiences could shape one’s personality, and affect one’s life. I am a good example of this scenario. When I was young, I was a mischievous girl, who liked playing games, doing sports, and enjoyed the brisk of the outdoors.

Cindy Chong

Rebelphase Culture

Our company name Rebelphase tends to trigger negative impressions of disobedient people who don’t follow rules.

Michael Wee

10 Mindsets for The Successful Creative You​

Believe in the power of visualisation
Every human creation exists first in our imagination, it helps to picture with clarity what the final desired output looks like.


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